Thought I had forgotten about this blog but suddenly google has put me in their search and sent a number of visitors. I had an email from Mr Conroe asking me to give him some information as he is thinking of moving here.
Well personally I have never stayed in colonades condominium although I have a few friends who did or used to. I was once interested too in buying a unit but never got to do it. The space is big so that is one plus point.
But from my last post, it seems quite a few readers have bad experiences. Read for yourself
I would think there are many problems of leakage due the the buildings being old and poorly constructed. Then there's cracking and falling concrete. I'm more interested in this as my inquiries show that what is happening here is similar to what happened in the Hospital Queen just across the road..
How To Ensure Safety?
Who is there to look after the safety of occupants of buildings? No one can tell me who and it's a big shame. How do we know the management is not hiding something? It has happened before and people have lost lives. (like in Korea)
To avoid any bad incidents, we should lobby for some safety standards in old buildings. The engineers and architects association should lobby for this.
So the question you should first ask is , Is Colonnades condo safe to live in? Anybody with ideas? engineer?